Changes to Children's Centres in Surrey

As you may know there will be changes this year to children’s centres and how Surrey County Council supports families.
The new approach will involve Surrey County Council focusing its resources on helping the families most in need of support, which means that some of the existing children’s centres will close and others will become Family Centres. Surrey County Council will no longer provide universal services for all families at Family Centres but other organisations, such as health visitors, may offer these at the centres and at other community venues.
You can use the Family Information Directory to find universal and other services, support groups, activities, events and more.
The changes will take place at different times across Surrey’s 11 districts and boroughs, so to make sure families can find out what is happening in their area the district and borough pages on the Family Information Service website will be regularly updated from April. They will provide information about when current activities offered at children’s centres will close and where Family Centres will open.
In addition, there is a new page on the website, which provides information about the final proposals that were agreed by Surrey County Council’s Cabinet. This also has a link to the results of the consultation that was undertaken to get views and suggestions on the draft proposals.
At Stanwell Children’s Centre we are continuing to offer a full timetable of activities until the school summer holidays. We will be offering a reduced timetable during the summer holidays. Plans are being put in place to become a Family Centre from September 2019.

Please call or drop-in to see us if you would like more details.

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